Source code for ghostly.ghostly

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Lightweight wrapper and helpers around Selenium Webdriver.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import time

import six
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException, \
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement import WebElement

from .errors import DriverDoesNotExistError, GhostlyTestFailed, \

[docs]class Ghostly: """ Lightweight wrapper and helper utilities around Selenium webdriver. """ def __init__(self, driver, maximise_window=True): """ :param driver: String name of driver, it's expected that it's an attribute on webdriver. IE. 'Chrome' or 'Firefox' are valid. """ try: self.driver = getattr(webdriver, driver)() """:type : webdriver.Chrome""" except AttributeError as e: raise DriverDoesNotExistError("Driver '%s' does not exist." % driver) if maximise_window: self.driver.maximize_window()
[docs] def end(self): self.driver.quit()
[docs] def get(self, url): """ Load the provided URL in the web driver """ return self.driver.get(url)
[docs] def xpath_click(self, xpath, wait=0.1, move_to=True): """ Click an element selected using xpath. :param xpath: The xpath locator of the element to be clicked or an WebElement :param wait: Wait after the click - set to None for no wait. :param move_to: If True (default) then an ActionChains is created and move_to_element called - this approach works well for elements that respond to clicks such as a/span/div tags. If False, click is called on the element - this approach works well for choosing items in a select tag. """ if isinstance(xpath, WebElement): element = xpath else: element = self.xpath(xpath) if move_to: ActionChains(self.driver)\ .move_to_element(element)\ .click()\ .perform() else: if wait is not None: self.wait(wait) return element
[docs] def xpath_wait(self, xpath, visible=True, timeout=5, sleep=0.25, click=False, click_move_to=True, click_wait=0.1): """ Wait for timeout seconds for xpath to exist and optionally be visible. :param xpath: The xpath locator of the element to find. :param visible: If True, also wait for the element to become visible. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds before GhostlyTimeoutError is raised. :param sleep: How long to sleep for between each check to see if :param click: If True, then :py:meth:`.Ghostly.xpath_click` is called upon completion. :param click_move_to: Passed onto :py:meth:`.Ghostly.xpath_click` if click is True. :param click_wait: Passed onto :py:meth:`.Ghostly.xpath_click` if click is True. :return: selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement """ if not visible and click: raise NotImplementedError("An element must be visible in order to " "click it.") start = current = time.time() stop = start + timeout attempts = 0 # Initially wait till the element can be found while time.time() < stop: attempts += 1 # We haven't yet found the element try: # Attempt to select the element. element = self.xpath(xpath) break except NoSuchElementException: # The element isn't available yet, so wait. self.wait(sleep) else: raise GhostlyTimeoutError( "Could not select xpath '%s' within %s seconds - attempted %s " "times." % (xpath, timeout, attempts) ) if not visible: return element # Wait till it's visible while time.time() < stop: attempts += 1 try: if element.is_enabled() and element.is_displayed(): break else: # The element isn't displayed, wait self.wait(sleep) except StaleElementReferenceException: self.wait(sleep) else: raise GhostlyTimeoutError( "Element selected via xpath '%s' but is not yet visible within %s seconds - attempted %s " "times." % (xpath, timeout, attempts) ) if not click: return element return self.xpath_click(element, wait=click_wait, move_to=click_move_to)
[docs] def xpath(self, xpath): """ Finds an element by xpath. This simply passes through to :py:class:`.WebDriver.find_element_by_xpath`. :param xpath: The xpath locator of the element to find. :return: selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement """ return self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath)
[docs] def wait(self, seconds): """ Wait for a specified number of seconds """ if type(seconds) == str: seconds = int(seconds) time.sleep(seconds)
[docs] def form_submit(self, xpath, **data): """ Submit a form optionally setting (simple) data on the form. :param xpath: The xpath locator of the form. :param data: A dict of data to supply to :py:meth:`.Ghostly.form_fill` :return: selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement """ form = self.form_fill(xpath, **data) return form.submit()
[docs] def form_fill(self, xpath, **data): """ Fill a simple form with data. :param xpath: The xpath locator of the form. :param data: A dict of data on the form to fill. The key of each item should equal the name of an input field. :return: selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement """ form = self.xpath(xpath) for field, value in data.items(): self.xpath(xpath + '//*[@name="' + field + '"]').send_keys(value) return form